Terms and Conditions

Joining Fee: the amount notified to you as part of the website joining process as a one-off fee payable for membership.

Personal Training Sessions: sessions booked by you directly with an independent self-employed trainer which do not form part of this agreement and are not provided by Sanders Fitness Limited and are subject to a separate agreement between you and the individual trainer.

Gym Inductions: When you joined, we offered a comprehensive induction to teach you how to use the gym equipment. Our advice would be to make sure you have done this. Induction bookings can be made via your welcome email. We get that it’s not always easy to figure out how to use the equipment, but don’t worry, our super knowledgeable and friendly staff are always on hand to help. Another super important reason to do the induction is that we cannot accept liability for any claim of personal injury if you use the gym equipment having not undertaken an induction with one of our members of staff, so be sure to get on it.

All joining Juniors members aged 16 and under MUST undergo a gym induction prior to being allowed on the gym floor.

Annual Membership: a membership that is paid upfront and has a fixed term of 12 months.

Contracted Memberships: 3, 6, 9 or 12 fixed month term. After your minimum term is complete, you can cancel your membership by emailing gym@sandersfitness.co.uk. If you do not give notice after your contracted term has expired your membership will continue as a No Contract Cancel At Any Time on a rolling basis each month.

Cancellation of Memberships memberships with a minimum contracted term CANNOT be cancelled without good reason, such as injury which prevents exercise, a job loss or moving out of the area (proof must be provided for any of these circumstances ie doctors note, proof of termination of employment or new address tenancy agreement or exchange of contracts.  Cancelling of direct debits or removal of card details during the minimum term will give us the right to pass a member's details to our collections team and steps will be taken to recover fees owed. 

No Contract Cancellation: Members on a no contract monthly rolling membership can cancel at anytime without notice. Cancellation emails MUST be sent to gym@sandersfitness.co.uk. We do not provide refunds for unused memberships. Please note for all cancellation requests received with less than 4 working days of your billing date, payment may still be taken but will not be Refunded. However, you will be able to reinstate for the time you have paid by calling our team on 01905 763776.

Gym Rules.

Listed below are our gym rules and member safety measures. Please adhere to these rules and measures at all times. Persistent ignoring of the rules will result in an instant ban without refund!

Allow all members plenty of space and keep doors open at all times

Don’t not disturb members especially if wearing headphones

Please do not visit the gym if you feel unwell.

Clean Up! We have 2 x sanitation/cleaning stations. Hand sanitiser is plentiful throughout the gym, please use it often.

Mop it up. Sweat towels are allowed but please don't leave them lying on machines.

Put your equipment/weights back. If you're strong enough to lift heavy... you're strong enough to put your weights back on the pegs! Don't leave them for someone else who may not be as strong as you to lift them off! 

Keep your shirt on, topless guys in the gym really don't float everyone's boat, cover up and stay in our good books. 

No bags, coats any any other clutter on the gym floor they are a trip hazard and get in other members way, the weight tree is not a coat hanger - use the ones supplied in men’s/ladies changing.

Absolutely no alcohol or recreational/illegal drugs - anyone found carrying or consuming such items will be instantly banned without refund!

Competitions / Charity auctions / Charity Raffles - Donations of vouchers for gym membership and or Personal Training are for new members/new clients only. These vouchers have no cash value.